Introduction - How do I rent Tim?

Process flow graphic

  1. APPLY - Once you complete the Rental Application Form, you will receive a comfirmation email message along with the Waiver form. Complete details will be included in your comfirmation email message.
  2. TRAIN - With a partner, watch the three training videos that will show you the different components that make up the Tim the Beaver mascot costume, general care and use, how to put on the costume, and how to pack it up properly. It should take a total of about 10 minutes to view these videos, and you should do so with a partner since putting on and taking off the costume is a two-person process. After viewing the videos, you will need to complete and submit the quiz before your pick-up date. This will verify that you have learned what you need to know to wear and take care of the costume. In addition to the training videos, there is a PDF handout with the steps to putting on the costume you might find useful.
  3. SUBMIT WAIVER - After completing the training, you will need to submit the Waiver form to the CAC office prior to your pick-up date. You will need to either drop off this form at the CAC office, fax it to the office, or sign it, scan it, and send it as an email attachment. Details on this will be included in the initial comfirmation message. After you submit this form, you will receive a final comfirmation email message.
  4. USE AND ENJOY - This step is self-explanatory. We hope you have fun at your event!